Professor Arnold Dix

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Professor Arnold Dix is hailed as a hero around the world.

Professor Dix’s unwavering bravery, steady hand, and expertise in handling critical situations has catapulted him into the biggest feel-good story of 2023, the rescue of 41 miners in the Silkyara-Bardot Tunnel collapse in India.

Described as ‘the tunnel guy’ who does anything and everything that is complex with tunnels, Professor Dix was contacted by the Chief Engineer of India and the Secretary for the Prime Minister of India asking for his help. Sensing the life and death urgency of the situation Professor Dix dropped everything and rushed to the tunnel site. Rarely do tunnel rescues result in happy endings. But this was a special event of professionalism, teamwork, leadership and compassion. His actions as the leader of the tunnel rescue team have not only made a significant impact on the lives of the survivors but have also instilled a sense of hope and gratitude within many communities.

Professor Dix made a promise that 41 men would be returned home safely and he delivered. Professor Dix’s story will inspire and enthrall and will show that perseverance and determination can make the impossible possible.

Professor Dix is a Barrister and scientist (geologist) specializing in the underground. He is an Underground Disaster investigator, internationally recognized expert in fire and life safety and collapses of the underground.

Professor Dix is a member of the British Institute of Investigators. He is active on all continents, a member of the specialist Underground Works Chambers, a member of the Victorian Bar and is a visiting Professor of Engineering (tunnels) Tokyo City University – he is currently the President International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association – the peak advisory body to the United Nations on all matters underground.

Arnold is convinced that the underground offers a range of adaptive and resilient solutions to most of the perils facing humanity today. Combining his formal qualifications, he advocates for all things underground – with a smile on his face and an ethical eye to all matters.

His mantra – ‘It’s time the good people of the world claim the future for all peoples and our planet. The Silkyara rescue demonstrates that almost anything is possible when we unite and be nice.’



This is a highly charged emotional rollercoaster of a story as the lives of 41 men hung in the balance, all hinging on the promise by an Australian Engineer that 41 men will be brought home safely.

How bringing people together can make the impossible possible. When working as a team is crucial to a positive outcome, what does it take to manage the emotions, fears, impulses and decisions of team members.

But how do you combine Communication, Problem solving, Risk assessment and Decisive Action into a winning formula.

It’s time the good people of the world claim the future for all peoples and our planet. The Silkyara rescue demonstrates that almost anything is possible when we unite and be nice.’

Another impactful masterclass in impactful communication from Professor Arnold Dix.

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