Andrew Grant

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Andrew Grant is an innovation culture transformation specialist.

He is the co-author of, ‘The Innovation Race: How To Change A Culture To Change The Game’, along with the international bestseller ‘Who Killed Creativity?… And How Can We Get it Back?’

As a highly experienced, humorous, and engaging presenter, Andrew professionally facilitates leaders and their teams to enhance collaboration for innovation, leading to highly creative solutions and outcomes. Andrew and his partner Dr Gaia Grant PhD (University of Sydney Business School) have travelled the world for over 20 years looking at innovation and creativity in companies, countries, and cultures and working with market leaders from numerous Fortune 500 companies. Andrew is a recognized thought leader who has been engaged by clients as a headlining master facilitator and keynote at a number of important events including: AWS, Accenture, Four Seasons Hotels, Google, Singtel, Salesforce, Daimler, Estee Lauder, PwC, Accenture, Disney, Boeing, Dyson.

The events he has presented at have included the YPO Global Leadership Conference, the APEC CEO Summit, TEDx, for the Aust Gov (ATO / DFAT / Aus Trade), the UAE Prime Minister’s Office (Future Leaders), and several of the world’s largest finance companies – such as Munich-Re, Allianz, Citi, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Alipay, HSBC, NAB, ANZ, Visa Card, and S&P Global. Andrew has featured in a number of international media including BBC and ABC TV along with commercial TV, Reuters, Harvard Business review, Fast Company and the Wall St Journal.



We need to be creative to be innovative. But the relentless push to innovate faster is producing a toxic culture that may undermine the whole creative process. In our rush for end results fast, we could ironically be killing the very thing that will lead us to innovation: creativity. Creativity and innovation are not interchangeable words, and it’s important for effective individuals and businesses to understand why. In these sessions we explore why we need both, and the paradoxes behind this that can impact our work.


  1. The Innovation Race: How to become future-ready for successful and sustainable innovation (including case studies and practical action plans)
  2. Ambidextrous Leadership: How to navigate tensions from competing innovation demands (including personal innovation profile measure feedback and goals).
  3. Are You an Innovative Leader?: How to develop agile leadership capabilities and aligned leadership teams (including personal and team innovation profile measure feedback and goals).
  4. Purpose-Driven Innovation: How to innovate both radically and responsibly (including interactive ethical dilemma and case applications).


  1. Harnessing Creative Intelligence (CQ) – for a distinct competitive advantage (including personal creativity measure feedback and goals).
  2. Who Killed Creativity?… And How to Get it Back? Identifying creativity challenges and solutions from the classroom to the boardroom (including why Design Thinking often fails and how to prepare for it better).
  3. The 7 Critical Creative Thinking Strategies – for generating practical new innovations (including 7 practical examples and applications from the 7-step process).


  1. The Collaboration Deception: A gamified simulation (including a social experiment to explore the challenge of building collaborative teams in a competitive environment)
  2. Embodying a Powerful Narrative – to drive aligned behavior & results (including nurturing culture change through crafting a strong Vision Mission & Values)
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